Durrells lived in many grand houses during their four year long stay in Corfu. One of them was the so called "Daffodil -Yellow villa" in Kontokali. Recently, I decided to go for swimming just outside the villa, which is still inhabited by a rich local family. Its premises are clearly visible from a good distance. It is four storeys tall and the perimetre of the premise is marked by a tall wall. The villa also is surrounded by a small pine forest in which various kinds of birds reside.
The villa has a venetian style. Probably it was a property of a venetian rich landlord who may have owned vast pieces of land around Kontokali in which olive trees have been cultivated(venetian Corfu had a feudal system - like most places in Europe in the Middle Ages and before the French Revolution.

In my opinion, this house is one of the most beautiful and splendid residences still standing in the island. It reminds us that Corfu was a place which many people from different cultures have been living together, enjoying the beauty and the quality that Corfu offered.
I havent any word to appreciate this post.....Really i am impressed from this post....the person who create this post it was a great human..thanks for shared this with us.
villas in corfu
Wonderful blog and great pictures... thank youfor sharing
Having just gone to see it (it's a bit worse for wear now) note that the best way is to park along the coastal road (we parked in front of a min-mart whose owner was extremely nice and helpful), follow the beach down until it hits the sea wall all the way to the end. In one stretch, the beach narrows so much that you may need to step through a bit of water.
This beautiful House though is unfortunately NOT the Daffodil Yellow Villa, Villa Anemoyiannis which is in Kontokali but the other side of the main road; http://www.arkgallery.org/DaffodilYellowVilla.html
Are you sure? Going to visit Corfu in September and really want to see all Darrell's houses
My wife and I have just returned from Corfu. The above article is correct. The pictures are of Durrells Daffodil Yellow villa which we found by chance, down a small lane leading to Kontokali marina... It is instantly recognisable from the front - tall iron gates down a long drive - lovely gardens , green shutters, pine trees etc. It is clear that the series is being filmed from this property which was owned by the Durrells - the giveaway was all the film company equipment and vehicles outside and inside the property ...... so glad we managed to find it - There is another villa next door which we initially mistook for the Durrells home... mayber this is the one that confused an earlier reviewer .... It is also very close to the Kontokali Bay resort - a bit incongruous but things move on... !!!!
Dear friends! Today I was lucky to get into the villa, through the gates and I happy to share this video with you. Thank you for sharing the information. I also will post full report later. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dONNIy6LLgg
My detailed photo report from the Daffodil Yellow Villa. Enjoy it!
This is not the 'Daffodil Yellow Villa', as explained above. That villa is much larger than this one. The end of the driveway to that is on the inland side of the road further along the bay.
This is a private residence used for filming the TV series 'The Durrells'. If you enter the grounds without permission then you are trespassing.
Who care's...who care's if Jane Fonda had her head in the toilet bowl? They all did! Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do!
Giving the fact that it is practically decaying I'm not quite sure it is the most beautiful on the island.
The filming location is NOT where the Durrells lived. They lived in a villa across the road.
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